Tuesday, June 27, 2017

DIY 4th of July Handprint Flag Shirt Tutorial

I've been wanting to do this DIY Flag Shirt since Cam was a baby. Now that we have ALL our babies, I thought maybe it was finally time. Haha. I've included some affiliate links in this post so you can make your own shirts too!

These we're so so easy! The hardest part was finding a pack of white tee shirts that would easily fit my 2T 3T 4T wearing bunch. And I found these that worked perfectly in size XS!

Since we were using this craft fabric paint I didn't even prewash the shirts.

I used some leftover painters tape to tape off a few stripes per shirt (I taped less stripes on Air's onesie since it was obviously much smaller). I also stuck a piece of paper inside each shirt in case the paint bleed through (It did. Don't skip this step.)

Then I gave the kids a foam brush and the painted the white part of the shirt that was taped off. Everyone had a different method. Brush strokes and dabbling seemed to work the best. We we're going for fun and not for perfect. So I just let them go at it. (You may want to also place a piece of tape vertically at the ends of the stripes if you are in a going-for-perfect mood).

Then we took some star stickers and put them on our top left corner. (Ours came from a practice workbook but these are similar)

I painted each kid's hand with blue fabric paint and quickly put their handprint over top the star stickers. Fabric paint dried quickly. So work fast on this step.

Next we freaked out and washed everyone's hands before they touched anything easily pulled off the star stickers and tape to reveal white stars and stripes!

And that was it! It was so quick and fun and I can't wait to get a picture of the whole gang in their shirts (Fingers crossed. That will probably be more difficult than actually making the shirts!) We even made a onesie for baby Air!

Happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

DIY Simple Cajun Seasoning Mix

You know those times when you're making a recipe and you're totally in a groove...

And then it happens.

You reach an item on the ingredient list.
and Oh Crap.

You're out.

It's usually something small but totally important to the integrity of the recipe and then you go on a google search hunt for substitutes for that item.

And that's how you go this post. We (uhh... Cor) was making our favorite Gumbo recipe and we we're out of Cajun seasoning. So here you go. Catastrophe averted. You're welcome.

Super Simple Cajun Seasoning Mix.

2 1/2 Tablespoons of Salt
1 Tablespoon of Dried Oregano
1 Tablespoon of Paprika
1 Tablespoon of Cayenne Pepper (Red Pepper) (adjust based on your spicy preference)
1 Tablespoon of Black Pepper

Stir that mess up. Toss the appropriate amount into your soup/gumbo/recipe.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Mini Letter Crafts A B C D

We've been (attempting) to do a handprint and a cut out craft each week going along with the ABCs. I'm creating FREE Preschool Printable PDFs of our cut out crafts so you can play along.

Each page has 4 letters and I'll post as we go.

If you want the sheet with ABCD, just follow the PDF link below for the downloadable file.
(A is for Alligator. B is for Bee. C is for Cat. D is for Dots)

Here's some affiliate links to the supplies we use for our preschool crafts.

Elmer's Disappearing Purple Washable Glue Sticks (because who doesn't love washable).
Home Printer (this is the newer (and cheaper!) version of my Cannon MP560 that I LOOOVE!)
Ink Cartridges. (Because I promise you they're as good as the $30 for ONE you've been buying at the store).



Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day 2017

Hey you. I see you being a good Dad and stuff.

I see you when you pick up a kid to walk her to the park.
I see you when you walk with a kid into a store (hoping for the best).
I see you when you pick up a kid with a broken arm and take him to the ER.
I see you when you carry a kid (or 4) up a flight of stairs to bed.
I see you when you pick up a kid and drag him out of an amusement park.
I see you doing up-up.

One day you pick up a kid up, and put a kid down for the last time.
So here's a year of walking with them. And taking their hands. And keeping them safe.

Happy Father's Day, Cor.

And I may have taken a picture of your butt every week for a year. So. Deal with it.

Click here to create your own Shutterfly photo book.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Weekly Meal Plan

We have a lot of Father's Day Activities going on this weekend, so we didn't meal plan for those day. But we've got a few of our summer favorites on the meal plan this week.
Full disclosure - Cor made the plan this week. And he did awesome.  
Pasta & Sauce with Salad
New Night!
Produce Dairy Packaged Goods Spices/Sauces Bread
  • 1 small head cauliflower
  • ¼ to ½ cup hot sauce (we use siricha or buffalo sauce & omit for kid ‘nuggets’)
  • ½ cup sharp shredded cheddar cheese
  • ½ cup flour (whole wheat flour works fine, so does white flour)
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 cup panko bread crumbs
2 Cans of Chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 Red Bell Pepper, diced
1 Tomato, diced
2 Celery Stalks, diced
1 Dill Pickle, diced
1/2 Teaspoon of Garlic Powder
1/2 Teaspoon of Onion Powder
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Teaspoon of Paprika
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Tablespoon of Mustard
Bag of Salad
Bag of Pasta
12 oz. bow tie pasta $1.39
2 medium roma tomatoes $0.61
1 medium summer squash $0.39
1 medium zucchini $0.39
1 medium broccoli crown $1.27
½ medium red onion $0.57
⅔ (15 oz.) jar roasted red peppers $1.34
½ bunch parsley $0.49
VINAIGRETTE (Or store bought vinaigrette)
4 cups water
1 1/2 cups orzo
1 cup garbanzo beans, rinsed (canned or pre-cooked from scratch)
1 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes
3/4 cup red onion, chopped
1/4 cup fresh basil and mint leaves, chopped
1/2-3/4 cups red wine vinaigrette
salt and pepper to taste

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

New Room Makeover - SYKE!

So we've been averaging about a room makeover a week, but not this week. Life just got in the way. And not the good kind of life.

We went to Ikea and had a super fun trip there and dropped some cash. It was Cor's first trip to the land of wonder and amazement. And we took our kids (which probably wasn't the best idea), but we filmed the crazy. You can see it here.

Then we went out on our ELEVEN YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY and dropped some cash down on a brand new king sized mattress. Because we've cuddled long enough and we're ready for space (space that will inevitably be filled with a stray child ending up in our bed.) Fun sidebar, Cam fell off a bed at the store and bleed everywhere... Ever have a bleeding kid in an all-white mattress store. It's super fun stuff. Then our mattress got delivered and was all sorts of lumpy. The delivery guy said it should "settle" but it hasn't... Hmmm.

And we ordered a new king bed from Wayfair for our "steel" anniversary. I like our bed; however, we were NOT impressed with Wayfair. You can find a video of our review here.

Then, after we got home from mattress shopping (and handing over all that cash money), we came home to find out that our WATER was out! Noooooo!

Long story short, it was our well pump. Apparently it's older than dirt. Literally. The well was full of dirt. So that's cool. We were out of water for a good four days and finally had someone come and fix it (and he was here until 1am fixing it.)

It. Was. Mayhem. Don't worry. I filmed that for you too and you can watch it here.

So, sorry-not-sorry for not having a room done this week.
We did buy the paint. That's gotta count for something, right?

Hooray for adulting.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Mini Letter Crafts A & B

It's already Summer Break for my preschoolers (and soon to be Kindergartener!). To keep busy this summer, we're (trying) to do some sort of craft each day.

We also practice writing our name and holding our pencil.

We're making ABC handprints and I made some mini cut-out-letter crafts for us to add to our Alphabet Books. There's two letters each on a page (to save the trees and have copies for siblings, yo!) but you could enlarge them too if you wanted.

You can download the free printable for letters A and B here.

Mom! I'm gonna draw a guy in his mouthing saying "Ahhhhhh!"

Here's hoping we get through the rest of the Alphabet (because, you know, kids are cray and summer gets lazy. Ha!)