Friday, February 28, 2014

Spending Freeze February: Update

I really really didn't want to do a spending freeze this month, but we did it, and now we are oh-so-close to being able to buy things again.

Just like last year, we learned a few things about our spending habits by taking a month off and buying nothing that wasn't needed. Food, gas, bills. That's it.

We learned that we could stretch out groceries. We usually meal plan for a week, go shopping on a Sunday, and then meal plan for the next week. By adding three "stretch" days to the end and beginning of our meal plan, we found that we could essentially feed our family for two weeks on the groceries we buy for one week. By adding these stretch days to the beginning and the end, we like we weren't missing out on much. Taking the three days no only helps us save money, it also helps us really clean out our pantry before stocking up on more groceries.

We also learned what we really need vs. what we really want. I really really wanted a new water bottle. We have tons of sports bottles around the house, but I really really want a fancy one that won't leave water rings everywhere. They aren't too expensive, but it is more of a want than a need. However, Mr. Mouse really needed a new pair of running shoes, as we discovered when we ran the Virginia is for Lovers 6K this month. He's been putting it off, but after evaluating them after our race, it's clear he really needed new shoes. Especially with how active he our family is. I'm still not sure if he really needed new elastic band laces in addition the the shoes... but I guess I can't win them all (and he got me a pair too - so I guess I'll let it slide).

Yes - It was cold!

Now that February is essentially over, we will go back to our allowance system where we each get a set amount of money a pay period. We've done this in the past, but usually start dropping the habit in the middle of the year because keeping track of cash and online purchases was getting daunting. This year, I've set it up so we each have our own debit cards and our allowance is directly deposited into our accounts each pay period. Hopefully this will help us keep on track.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Foodie Friday

You're going to want to eat this. I promise.

The meal plan for this week looks like this:

Stir Fried Tofu (FF veg P.104) w/ rice
Pita Melt: Mushroom & Cheese
Baked Eggplant (V Slow Cook P. 117) w/ rice
Bake Eggplant w/ pita
Sloppy Janes
Pita Pizzas
Med. Veg Stew (V Slow Cook P. 64) w/ pita & hummus
Sloppy Janes
Portobello tacos (F/K P. 137) w/ salsa verde
Med Veg Stew
Spicy Asian Quinoa Salad (F/K P. 63)
left overs
New Night!

Instead of using recipes from online, we decided to find some yummy looking meals in our various Vegetarian Cookbooks. (Fast & Fresh Vegetarian, Everything Vegetarian Slow Cook Cookbook, Forks Over Knives)

The Mediterranean Vegetable Stew that we had last night and for lunch today was AHHHH-Mazing. So amazing, in fact, that after I ate it for lunch today, I had to jump on here and tell you about it... and then maybe go get another bowl. Yum.

It is literally as easy as chopping some things up and tossing them in the slow cooker. That's it!

Mediterranean Vegetable Stew (from The Everything Vegetarian Slow Cook Cookbook) - Serves 6

2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
4 garlic cloves, chopped
1 red onion, chopped
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 eggplant, chopped
1 15oz can artichoke, drained and chopped
1/2/ cup kalamata olives, pitted and chopped
2 15oz cans diced tomatoes (we use low sodium)
4 cups (usually a whole box) Vegetable Broth (again, we use low sodium)
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon dried parsley
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Toss all that yummy goodness in a 4-quart slow cooker, cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours.

We served the stew over rice which was delicious and helped Big scoop it up better with his spanking-new spoon using skills.

It is seriously THAT easy. It's even easier if you meal plan and have a chop night like we do. However, this week we slacked and didn't have a chop night and guess what, I made dinner in no time while Big ate olives out of a measuring cup... Whatever keeps ya busy, kid!

I imagine it would also freeze well and then you could just add some broth and call it a day and do other fun things while your slow cooker makes dinner for you. Winning!


Here's some nutritional information according to the cookbook:

Per Serving: Calories: 214 | Fat: 6 g | Protein: 6 g | Sodium: 522 mg (however, I'm unsure how this would change with no-salt and low sodium tomatoes and broth) | Fiber: 8 g | Carbohydrates: 31 g | Sugar: 12 g

Saturday, February 15, 2014

SuperMom: Valentine's Edition

I've read all these blog posts recently about not being a supermom. About being anti-pinterest. About not having the pressure put on us to be perfect.

I agree, most days I wear the uniform of my people: yoga pants and a sweatshirt with some kind of encrusted cookie on a sleeve somewhere. Doing a craft or making a snack together is the last thing on my mind those days and the countdown to nap time and when Mr. M finally gets home from work is always ticking away in my head.

But sometimes it feels so dang good to be SuperMom. And you know what, I'm going to brag about it on the rare occasions that I actually get to wear the cape and be the coolest Mom on the planet.

This week was Valentine's week and I took the opportunity to do some fun things to keep Big busy. We made Valentine's day cards on Monday and I was only planning on doing things on days I didn't have to work (M-W-F). Instead, we ended up staying busy the whole week! We had a blast. Big kept busy and enjoyed doing something new each day and it was fun to fill our morning with something more than Elmo and Big Bird.

We crushed up some old crayons -- Okay, we used already crushed up crayons because Big has a crayon braking (and eating) habit - to make some fun cute heart crayons. We used a silicone IKEA heart ice cube tray and baked them at 150 degrees for about an hour. Plan on throwing out (or save it for other non-food crafts) your tray though. These were only a buck so I didn't mind. I imagine you could spend time figuring out a way to clean them, but it wasn't worth it to me. Then we colored Spiderman with heart crayons. Yup! 

We baked a super big heart cake by splitting a box cake mix into a round and square cake pan. Big's favorite part was adding the icing, licking the spatula, and adding more icing... Good thing it was just for us to eat. Then we covered it in sprinkles and surprised Dad when he got home! 

And we had a special peanut butter and sprinkle lunch on Valentine's Day! I even heart bombed Mr's car and the boys' doors after nap. I don't know why, but I was really feeling it this year for Valentine's Day. I took it as an opportunity to do something fun and out of the ordinary each day this week, and I think everyone really enjoyed it. 

Now back to my cookie encrusted sweats and Elmo. ;) 

Monday, February 10, 2014

I Love You ... To Pieces!

It's Valentine's Week and I'm excited that we get to do a little extra fun things to celebrate. I decided I'd spend some time with the boys today to make cards.

I saw this on Pinterest and decided to use my Silhouette Cameo to make it a little more fancy and easier for little fingers. Big can't quite glue things inside the lines and Little is just the best at crinkling paper, so it worked out better for us to do it my way (and hello - it's way cuter!).

I gave Big two pieces of tissue paper and thought he'd love going to town ripping them to shreds. Not so much. He wanted no part of my crafting. I was all, "This is why we don't do fun things" and then just started ripping the paper for him. He just sat there looking at me like I was bizarre. Then he wanted cheese, and that helped put him in the crafting mood.  

Big, Cheese, and Glue 
Happy with his cheese, he then got excited about glue. I kept ripping and he had a good ol' time smearing glue on the paper (and his fingers - Yay, Non Toxic!).

Then Big figured out that it was way more fun to just glue the actual tissue paper, so that's what he did for a bit while I assembled his card. 

I gave Little smaller pieces and let him crinkle them up to his hearts content then glued his bigger pieces down inside his card. See... He likes doing fun things!

Little loved making his card! 

With some help from Big (since he decided it was necessary to glue some more things), we glued down the edges of the card. I like this better. It's not like opening it up would add anything to it's "cardness" and there's no place inside to sign it anyway since it's covered in shredded tissue paper. Way to go Big, thanks for thinking on your toes ;) So, we glued the card shut around the edges and glued around the heart a bit. I like how it lifts a little to add depth to the words. 

I'm so happy that Big got into it. They turned out super adorable and add a little festivity to our home. I love YOU to pieces, boys. XOXO. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Spending Freeze February

Last year, we started Spending Freeze February in the Mouse House. We decided that we would make a conscious effort not to buy anything extra for the whole month in an attempt to evaluate our spending habits and kick off the year with building our savings on our mind. Last year we did great! I originally saw this idea as a no-spend January to kick off the new year, but I knew that would be difficult since we have a birthday in January. February is also a short month, so it makes the goal seem more attainable. However, this year, I want to quit already.

It's not that I really want to go out and spend money, but I just feel like this year it's harder. We have friends who are about to move out of state and I don't want to not do things with them for the sake of meeting a goal of saving money. In fact, one of those friends had a birthday dinner last night, and of course we went. We knew this going into the month and decided to budget for the dinner, so it wasn't that big of a deal, but I just feel that it started us out on the wrong 'saving' foot.

Mr and I also caught a nasty bug this past week also, making our ability to meal plan and grocery shop this weekend impossible, so there's that. I just don't feel like I have the time or energy (or stomach) to even think about food and that's a major way we plan out our spending. Sigh.

I shouldn't be jumping into the month already thinking we are 'failing' at our freeze, but I'm just trying to be practical here. Sometimes things just don't work out the way we plan, and that's fine. That being said, Mr is still on board with the spending freeze. It's great that whenever one of us is lacking in something, the other is there to pull up support for the situation.

We will get through this spending 'freeze' but I don't think we will be as strict as we were last year with it. I'm just being honest. But who knows, I'm sure by next week Mr will be wanting to buy things off EBay and I'll have to be the voice of 'freeze' reason.