Saturday, September 30, 2017

Amazon Fresh : Review #2

Hey! It's our second week ordering with Amazon Fresh and here's how things went.

I look happy, don't I? I do! Because this time ALL of our food arrived and nothing was missing. Hooray!

Right now you can get 5$ off any order of 75$ or more with code 5MULTI during your 30 day free trail!

A few things we found out with our second Amazon Fresh order:

If you search for a product that you've already purchased, the recently purchased item will show up first - Kind of cool if you want to reorder something you liked in the past.

Some items are NOT Amazon Fresh items but are Amazon Prime items. Be careful when you order. One of our items was an Amazon Prime "add on item." Since we didn't buy anything else on Amazon Prime, that item got canceled in our order since we didn't buy enough Prime items (not including Fresh items) for it to ship with.

Watch size and remember that there's a drop down option for different sizes. We went to buy Olive Oil and were pricing out sizes for which was the best deal. One only showed up as a small size, but a larger option was available (for a way better value!) So make sure you click on the products.

Don't forget to put out your old totes when your new order is scheduled to arrive. They will drop off your new totes and take the old ones to use for other orders. Recycle, yo. The planet loves it.


We were way happy about our order this go around.
Missed out on what happened with our first order? Check it out here.


  1. after your first review I was all eeehhhhh but this one leaves me like....ooohhhhhh

    1. Right! I was glad we gave it another shot! And it's nice that it's a 30 day free trial!

  2. So do you have to return the totes or is it just a nice thing to do?

    1. It's just the nice thing to do. They are big and bulky so we usually can't wait to get rid of them. Haha. But they won't hold your food ransom if you didn't put them out.
