Wednesday, October 4, 2017

DIY Recycled Wooden Boxes

So. We made a thing.

We had a ton of landscaping stakes left over after we put up our own fence (you can read more about that here). We needed some shelves for our bathroom makeover. We got rid of a medicine cabinet mirror and replaced it with a flat mirror, so we needed something to store little odds and ends and keep them slightly out of view and easy to access; we thought some cute wooden boxes would do the trick.

We had been putting off going to the hardware store for some wood when it suddenly dawned on me - all those stakes were just sitting in the rain next to our house doing a whole lot of nothing!

Cor went ahead and cut the tips off of each end of the stakes, wood glued them together (holding them with clamps while they dried) to make a bottom and sides, and boom. Boxes.

We used some L brackets to hang them as "floating shelves" similar to the ones we put in our main bathroom.

Pretty dang adorable. And super practical too!

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