Wednesday, June 21, 2017

DIY Simple Cajun Seasoning Mix

You know those times when you're making a recipe and you're totally in a groove...

And then it happens.

You reach an item on the ingredient list.
and Oh Crap.

You're out.

It's usually something small but totally important to the integrity of the recipe and then you go on a google search hunt for substitutes for that item.

And that's how you go this post. We (uhh... Cor) was making our favorite Gumbo recipe and we we're out of Cajun seasoning. So here you go. Catastrophe averted. You're welcome.

Super Simple Cajun Seasoning Mix.

2 1/2 Tablespoons of Salt
1 Tablespoon of Dried Oregano
1 Tablespoon of Paprika
1 Tablespoon of Cayenne Pepper (Red Pepper) (adjust based on your spicy preference)
1 Tablespoon of Black Pepper

Stir that mess up. Toss the appropriate amount into your soup/gumbo/recipe.


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