Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Drink of the Month: July: Rosemary Lemonade Gin & Tonic

A while ago, Cor and I started to make a cocktail of the month. This way, we would buy one type of booze and use it all up and wouldn't have a bunch of extra stuff sitting around the house. It also made us pick a fun new cocktail of the month each month so we were trying something new. (Getting all the supplies with a recipe card and cute glass makes a super fun gift too!)

This month I was looking up ways to use some of the Rosemary we have growing on our property and I found a Rosemary Lemonade drink that we altered a bit. We even made our own syrup. Which was new to us. But totally easier than expected.

Here's what you do.

To Make the Rosemary Syrup:
Boil 1/2 Cup Water
Add 1/2 Cup of Sugar
Add 1/4 Cup of Chopped Rosemary (This is where we keep walking outside to grab more sprigs off our giant rosemary plant to get to a quarter of a cup).

Bring it to a boil until the sugar is all dissolved. Then take the pan off the heat and let it sit for about 45mins to an hour. Then pour the mixture through a fine meshed strainer or a nut milk bag and collect the syrup in a Mason Jar.

To Make the Drink:
Fill a 16oz Mason Jar with ice (We like these ones)
Add 2oz of Gin (We used Tanqueray Imported London Dry Gin and if you're classy like us, you'll use a baby bottle to  measure you ounce... Parents of the Year)
Add 1oz of Rosemary Syrup (give yourself a pat on the back because you made it yourself like a badass)
Cut a lemon in half - squeeze the juice of half a lemon into your glass
Fill the rest of the glass with club soda

Toss in a sprig of Rosemary and a slice of that squeezed lemon and take a picture. Cuz it's pretty, ain't it.


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