Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Live on the edge.

I was texting my sister in law today about what was new in our lives and we got to talking about how dang hot and nasty it is.

I read earlier that the library was having a drop in craft take-and-make today and was trying to decide of I should drag my three kids out alone, or just shoot myself in the face. I'm not sure which option would have been better...

After wrestling with Cam to put on some pants, dragging him away from Minecraft kicking and screaming, and having a 20 min chat on the edge of the minivan about how this new library isn't "scary" and they probably have computers like the "grown up library" near our old house, I clip all my tiny people in and went on a hunt for the library.

Everyone was in a better mood and I was getting my cardio chasing three kids in a million directions around the blocks, puzzles, and books. I finally tricked the boys into leaving to go make the craft.

A rainbow. Because I love helping two preschoolers tie 5 billion strings of yarn to half a paper plate and cover it with cotton balls.

During all this exciting crafting, Ay climbed up into the umbrella stroller and, spoiler alert, it tipped.

And bigger spoiled alert, she bit her lip. And in true baby fashion, bled and screamed like she was being slaughtered in a horror flick.


Sensing the urgency of the situation, the boys decided they needed rocks taken out of their shoes, different strings tied on their cloud, or that it was a perfect time to do ninja flips in the craft room...

So... that was awesome.

I took Ay to the bathroom in a screaming bloody mess and half cleaned her up and made sure nothing  (i.e. her teeth) was broken.

She was fine. Gross... but fine.

So we walk back to the craft room where the older boys are rolling all around and the two preteen library assistants are wide eyed and confused  (but still attached to their phones). Thanks, girls. I appreciate you keeping my other kids blood free for the moment. Seriously. It takes a village, folks!

We rushed out of that library covered in blood, sweat, and tears, but we made some beautiful freakin' rainbows, yo.

And I was wearing white.

Because I live on the edge like that.

1 comment:

  1. So funny and relatable for me but on a much smaller scale. I don't know how you do it but you do wonder woman!!
