Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Caught ya!

I found this idea during one of my Pinterest binges and thought it was the perfect way to bribe... er... encourage the boys to be more helpful. And as a way for us to acknowledge them for good work. I saw the jar here, but we made a few changes.

We used a cleaned out applesauce container and colored our own lable on construction paper. We used way too much tape to attach that sucker on, but they were pretty proud of their work. I wanted the boys to feel involved in the project instead of just explaining to them how it worked. I bought a pack of pompoms from the dollar store and one pack fits perfectly inside our jar.

$ 1 DIY. That's what I'm talking about.

This is where we added a new step. We grabbed a piece of construction paper and I asked the boys different ways to be helpful. Some were silly (Don't break glass... umm, yes, but... okay). But others were spot on (Share. Help our baby sister. Eat our meals.)

Each boy was so helpful making our jar that they already earned two pompoms. When the jar is filled, they each will get a dollar and a special trip to the dollar store.

Maybe we'll have different jars for each kid in the future, but for now, I'm hoping that one jar will encourage them to be helpful together and work on teamwork.

I guess we'll see.

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