Sunday, September 21, 2014

Where have we been?

Where have we been? Jeeze, Summer has flown by and we are being thrusted into Fall already (against my will!) We've been really busy over here at the Mouse House because guess what...

M3 is coming!

We were beyond thrilled to find out that M3 would be joining us, but we had a few a lot of little big scares that made us worried the little one wouldn't make it. We were hush hush about M3 for a really  long time. We didn't even tell our families until M3 was 18 weeks along. Now were at 22 weeks and so so excited to announce it to the world. M3 is looking great now and growing right on track! We decided to stick with Mouse House tradition and NOT to find out if M3 is a he or a she, so stay tuned! January (or December! Eeek!) will be here before we know it! 


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