Monday, February 10, 2014

I Love You ... To Pieces!

It's Valentine's Week and I'm excited that we get to do a little extra fun things to celebrate. I decided I'd spend some time with the boys today to make cards.

I saw this on Pinterest and decided to use my Silhouette Cameo to make it a little more fancy and easier for little fingers. Big can't quite glue things inside the lines and Little is just the best at crinkling paper, so it worked out better for us to do it my way (and hello - it's way cuter!).

I gave Big two pieces of tissue paper and thought he'd love going to town ripping them to shreds. Not so much. He wanted no part of my crafting. I was all, "This is why we don't do fun things" and then just started ripping the paper for him. He just sat there looking at me like I was bizarre. Then he wanted cheese, and that helped put him in the crafting mood.  

Big, Cheese, and Glue 
Happy with his cheese, he then got excited about glue. I kept ripping and he had a good ol' time smearing glue on the paper (and his fingers - Yay, Non Toxic!).

Then Big figured out that it was way more fun to just glue the actual tissue paper, so that's what he did for a bit while I assembled his card. 

I gave Little smaller pieces and let him crinkle them up to his hearts content then glued his bigger pieces down inside his card. See... He likes doing fun things!

Little loved making his card! 

With some help from Big (since he decided it was necessary to glue some more things), we glued down the edges of the card. I like this better. It's not like opening it up would add anything to it's "cardness" and there's no place inside to sign it anyway since it's covered in shredded tissue paper. Way to go Big, thanks for thinking on your toes ;) So, we glued the card shut around the edges and glued around the heart a bit. I like how it lifts a little to add depth to the words. 

I'm so happy that Big got into it. They turned out super adorable and add a little festivity to our home. I love YOU to pieces, boys. XOXO. 

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