Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday, Big!

Big is just a  little bit bigger today! I cannot believe that my itty bitty baby is already two years old. This year seemed to fly by and Big has been a super star throughout all of the changes the past year has brought to our family, like the addition of a whole new person.

To celebrate another great year, we had a party. I took Big to the dollar store and he found monkey cups and plates, pulled them down, and eek'ed and ooo'ed. That settled his theme. I made some banners and some toothpicks for some food using my Silhouette Cameo, and even made him a T.W.O shirt. We invited some of our favorite people and went bananas this weekend.

We kept food simple. I didn't necessarily intend to have a vegetarian menu, but things just worked out that way. The Spicy Black Bean Roll Ups are an adaptation of a recipe found here. We just subbed a can of refried beans for the chicken. 

Big turns two! 

Let's talk about cake. I made this cake here and it was absolutely delicious. I'm a "let's pick up cupcakes from the grocery store" kind of gal when it comes to birthday parties, so making his cake was a big deal for me. After a little bit of a mishap, I ended up making this cake THREE times. I made it once early in the week with great success, and then got a little too sure of myself and decided to skip some steps and baked a big soupy mess of a cake the night before his party. I literally finished his cake while people were still waking in the door to start celebrating. In the end, everything turned out fine and his cake was both delicious and adorable. I suggest using cream cheese icing. I melted a few chocolate chips to tint it brown and used the normal icing color for the inside of the monkey face. I made three cupcakes, two for the ears, and one for Big's special cake. I was pretty impressed with how well it turned out. 

All in all, it was so wonderful to be able to celebrate with Big and are family and friends. Even though I went crazy with decor and such, it was such a low-key, let's just hang out, type party. It was just our style and absolutely perfect. Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate with us! 

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