Monday, February 19, 2018

Vegan Valentine's Day Menu

We typically do a no-spend February and still, Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. Maybe because we don't do the commercial thing, and instead we really focus on telling each other how much we  love one another.

I always make sure to "heart bomb" the kids' beds with reasons we love them. And every year they love hearing the things that make them so special to us (I mean, who doesn't like to hear nice things about themselves!)

Then we feed the kids an easy and early dinner and put them to bed so we can have a fancy, at home meal. Fancy attire required.

This year, Cor put together the menu.

For an appetizer, we had an amazing miso-marinated portobello carpaccio. If you make nothing else, make this. Just do it.

Here's the recipe.

When the kids crashed our date, all they wanted was to eat parts of this salad. Yum.

Find it here.

Main Dish
The main dish was a Butternut Squash Farinata. Neither of us knows really what that means, except that it was delicious. It reminded us of stuffing and Thanksgiving and all things warm and yummy.

You can find the recipe, here.

This thing was fantastic. It was just perfect.

Here's the details.

Want to watch our Valentine's Day Vlog? Check it out here:

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