Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Girl Nursery | Toddler Girl Bedroom Makeover

I was pretty sure the girls' room would be a simple makeover. Really, all it needed was some paint and I had a fun idea for an accent wall. I had a lot of décor from Ay's old room that would still work with the space. Easy. Right?

Easy it was not. But I'm still happy with how the room came out.
There's a few affiliate links in this post to show you what we ordered for the room, and if you want to watch the NOT easy transformation, you can find it on YouTube here.

This was the vision I had for the girls room. We still need to add artwork and all to the room, but I liked having a color scheme to work with. I knew I wanted to mainly focus on some sort of accent wall. So we focused a lot of time on that. We have all our other vision boards here if you want to check them out.

I wanted an arrow accent wall. It just kind of came to me one day, so I drew out my idea on some paper. Oh, sweet naïve Amanda. You had big dreams.

I used our laser level (we were kind of pretty excited about this thing) to make straight lines and put some place holder arrows in place to show where I wanted each arrow and which direction it should be going in.

I had Cor paint stripes on the wall that would be large enough to allow for some giveway when I taped my arrows up. I measured and marked and we drew pencil lines and stuff... and then we realized that it was about the size of the length of a roller anyway, so he just put in some stripes and we called it a day. I used the laser level to put a strip of my large tape on the wall and then went to work on the points and tails of the arrow.

I made each point and tail out of two 4in pieces of tape. I used 1 1/2in tape for the body and point of the arrow and smaller tape (.94in) for the tails.

I used my ruler/level to then create a 90 degree angle for my points and tails. There's a sort-of-okay video that Cam took of me making the points if you're confused. (The YouTube video is linked in the beginning of this blog post)

I put my tails 4in apart from tip to tip and just eyeballed them to be center. I could have pulled out the laser pointer at this point again, but I was confident in my eyeballing skills and didn't really need them all super duper perfect.

Boom. Past Amanda was so proud of herself. Then Cor painted out the second color of arrows (we had a tan color and a light pink color for arrows).

Tape tape tape tape tape. Math math math math math.

After all the arrows were taped up, we painted over each arrow with the color UNDER it. So a tan arrow got another coat of tan on top of it. This makes crisps lines when you eventually pull your tape up because the color of the arrow seeps into the little tape crevices and seals it in when you go to paint the top color. We then painted the whole wall Precious Pink. The other 3 walls (and the pink arrows) are Heirloom Pink. And the tan is Toasted Almond. Remember our Wal-Mart paint issue in our Main Bathroom Makeover? They were out of RED in the paint machine this time. So we had Lowes color match our Glidden Color Chips. And they turned out great. Lowes is our hero.

Here's where it got cray. We were SO excited to pull this tape up. I planned so much to make the arrows perfect. We took time to clean and prep the walls. I did MATH. Me! Doing math!?! And when we went to pull the tape up... This.

I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the wall. Maybe we didn't let the bottom paint dry enough before taping over. Maybe the world hates us.

But whatever. We had a solid solution.

We went slow with the other arrows we pulled up and used a pocket knife to score the wall, so most of them were fine. That second one from the bottom really pulled the wall up with it though. So meh. That was totally un-cool.

It still was my vision though. The arrows turned out LOOKING adorable, even if the wall was not.

Remember my solution?

I put the crib in front of the busted arrow.

I win.
This is how I fix the things. Don't judge.

So here's the before (with the sellers furniture). Pretty plain Jane (actually, I'm almost positive it was never painted before. Like ever). It's hard to tell, but it also was COVERED in sticky tape residue so I lovingly spent time scrubbing that junk off. And we had to patch up some wall. Shudder.

And the After. Other than paint, we just added in some of her bedroom décor. The carpet was left here by the sellers (and I'm in no rush to buy something expensive that a two year old can destroy, so hellllo, free!) The blackout curtains came from her room in the old house. I picked up some cute blankets from Ikea that tie the crib and the bed together a bit. I also have a big diy idea planned for some artwork. So stay tuned.

Eventually the bed turns into a bunk bed.

Eventually we need to kick Ay out of the crib and make her use the bed.

Because she won't sleep in the bed. And she kinda has a baby sister who is going to need that crib.



Swoon! Even though that wall gave me trouble, I'm still pretty much in love with it. 

So, there you have it. The after of the 'easiest' bedroom in the house. Silly me. I'm happy with how it all turned out. Ay seems to like it. I mean... She still ends up in our bed in the middle of the night anyway... but I don't think it's because of the room.


  1. I love the wall..... if by some cruel chance I ever have a girl, I'm totally stealing this!
